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"AFTER magical moments, 

UNFORGETTABLE  memories remain"


My name is Marta Fresnillo. I grew up seeing how the hallways of my house were filled with the paintings that my mother painted, and of all those Sundays that I woke up with the music from my father's record player, while I looked through books and magazines about film and photography.


I had my phase of wanting to paint pictures in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid and make murals on walls (I admit that I still have urges to paint flowers on some wall at home).

My work, my style is documentary, but at the same time I place a lot of emphasis on seeking the intimate, elegant and pictorial.

A balance between more artistic and special images, with those real and spontaneous moments that will transport you again and again to that important day. ​

MQM is a project that has been growing and evolving with me.


01. Composing a poem

For me a wedding is poetry. They are moments where time seems to stop, curious lights filtering through windows, an excited father taking his daughter to the altar, compilations of knowing glances, tears and many laughs.


When your friends can't stop dancing while uploading stories to Instagram, it's the hugs, many, from your favorite aunt, your sister or that close friend. It's that day when your grandfather thinks he's 20 years old again. Days of waving bouquets and dancing until dawn.

02. The importance of freezing time

About eight years ago, I lost my father. Much to my regret, I barely have any memories of him. He was always behind the camera in truth, you could say that he was the reason why you are here reading this today. And I... it made me happy to share that with him.


But those memories, the two of us behind the camera, his voice, his laugh or the way he raised his eyebrows when something surprised him, are memories that are blurry in my memory, and in everyone's. I will never be able to stop thinking, I wish I had portrayed him more.

03. In good company

Fortunately for me, on this adventure I am accompanied by Joana. She is basically the one who always accompanies me, my right hand and the one who swallows hours and hours of audios with crazy ideas with a smile. Who never says no (even though I make faces), but rather, let's try, and who faces every little thing with enthusiasm. I love working together and in tune with photography and video.


I am especially excited when you emphasize this, since I believe it is the perfect way to have an optimal and consistent result. But each style is very personal and I always urge you to only opt for what you fall in love with 100%. This way, I have no problem working with other colleagues, who are wonderful, and just doing the photography part.

I could say many things about MQM, about me, us and about this small fragment of the world, I love traveling, good food, especially those if it is in the sun. Look for the beautiful in the simple, and spend hours playing with light and every detail. I love living this experience with you, seeing you happy and having an incredible time.

Wedding Photography


Full coverage of the day. From the preparations to approximately one hour of party.

-Delivery of approximately 700 to 1400 photographs.

-Advance of about 30 - 50 photographs after the wedding.

-Delivery of the photographs in high resolution colour and black and white at my discretion.

-Private gallery for easy access, viewing and downloading of audiovisual material content.

1925€ + vat (21%)


Full coverage of the day. From the preparations to approximately one hour of party.

-Delivery of approximately 700 to 1400 photographs.

Advance of 150 - 200 photographs after the wedding. as a summary of the report.

-Delivery of all the photographs in high resolution colour and its duplicate in black and white.

-Private gallery for easy access, viewing and downloading of audiovisual material content.

2195€ + vat (21%)

The pre-wedding is a couples session that we do just for fun. It is a totally different report, and it is worked in a different way than the one we do on the wedding day, so doing it or not does not alter or improve what happens on the wedding day.

The engagement party, the pre-wedding party or welcome party, is an event prior to the wedding that usually takes place the day before.

+ Delivery of between 75 photos to 300 photographs.

+ 1:30h duration approximately.

Pre-wedding / Engagement Party or Welcome Party

A somewhat special session. The wedding day seems enough to us to have an ideal couple's memory, we only recommend doing the post-wedding session if you want to do something different, go to a more distant, specific or special place, or if it was a terrible day, etc.

· Deliver between 100 to 300 photographs.

· Delivery of a 1-2 minute video

· Approximately 2 hours long.



25X30 cm. 800g photo paper, 25 sheets (50 pages)

Cover customization + box/bag.

400€+ VAT


25X38 cm

800gram photo paper

25-30 sheets (50-60 pages)

Cover customization + box/bag.



Exact replica on the inside, modifiable on the outside.

800 gram photographic paper. Plain cover + gray velvet bag.


ARTISAN unit 190 + VAT


Cover customization 30€+ VAT

Box 45€ + VAT


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